I never want to forget how you didn't go to sleep last night until nearly 11pm because you were SO excited about your birthday. Then, in the morning, you awoke a full hour earlier than necessary and passed the time putting together a Lego Star Wars creation until we arrived with your breakfast cinnamon rolls for a family breakfast in your bedroom. Tonight, you claimed once more that you couldn't get to sleep, so you hung out on my lap reading me stories while I worked through a few "to do" items on the computer. When I asked you if you'd had a good birthday, you responded "A GREAT birthday, and not because of the presents. Because of people like you, Mom." Not to say you didn't LOVE every Star Wars or LEGO-related gift you received. The plastic sword you unwrapped today was met with immediate approval as well and was put to immediate use with Emma countering on the light saber you got from yesterday's present-opening. (Thanks Uncle Joel!)
When I was asking Sunday night what we should eat for the family dinner, you were throwing a baseball up and catching it and responded, "You pick, Mom. I just don't want you to have to spend too much time cooking."
You've always been like that, Spence. Super sweet, considerate of others, and mature in so many ways beyond your 6 years. You still break into belly laughter if anyone says the word "underpants," but what kindergartner doesn't succumb to such silliness? It's part of the charm, really. And it is truly charming to be your mother, Spencer. You're growing into such a fine, handsome young man. We love you!
Baby Spencer

Big Boy Spencer

Marie, he sounds like such a great kid! It's crazy how quickly they grow up huh?! Happy Birthday Spencer!
Oh what a sweet boy! He gets more from you than a favorite flavor of ice cream ;) Happy Birthday Spencer!
I'm glad to hear that the cake was enjoyed by many!
We love this boy!!!
Happy Birthday Spencer! What a handsome guy :)
What a great tribute to a fine young man!
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