-Adam froze the kids' cheerios and milk overnight. (Spencer remembered that one from last year and requested it).
-We gave the kids real breakfast, but I hid a little plastic figurine in each bowl. Surprise!
-Spencer had the idea to call Dad, Grandma, and Grammy and, when they answered, ROAR really loudly then say "April Fool's!" If you have our number on your caller id and no message, that's why. Emma thought it was a pretty good idea, so Grandma got 2 phone calls. (Thanks for being such a good sport.)
-Spencer made a sandwich for Adam (at about 9:30am because he couldn't wait any longer) and left the wax paper from the cheese slices inside. Tricky, tricky!
-I got a raisin in my toothpaste cap, courtesy of Spencer, and then constant reminders to brush my teeth, plus an audience as I did so. Sneaky Spence.
-We dressed John up in a dress, which little man thought was hiLARious, big brother and sister got a good chuckle, but Adam only found mildly humorous. Don't worry - it was more of a Scottish kilt, really. A great plaid.
-The kids have been sneaking around trying to spy on my next April Fool's joke. Here's what Spence will discover when he opens his kindergarten snack today - HAMBURGERS!
Or ARE they? It's actually Nilla Wafers, Grasshopper cookies, and colored frosting. Yum! That's my kind of April Fool's.
how fun! we're being totally lame this april fools. darn.
Wow that's awesome! I love that Spencer is a lil' trickster. Happy Birthday dear sister!
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