Today was the last day of Spring Break, so we jumped at the chance to spend the day with family. Grammy had planned a fun hike along the C&O Canal, so we tagged along and were joined by Grandma W and Laura as well. Good company=good times. It was a chilly day, but perfect weather for a stroll along a picturesque trail.
Emma was loving her baseball cap.

Here's the group at the mile marker. This was our turn-around spot. We went a little over a mile along the trail and then doubled back. I was so proud of Spencer, who was leading the pack most of the way (along with his buddies Trina and Joel). 2 miles of hiking - not bad for a little man.

Emma was a trooper too. She wanted to walk most of the time, but I was glad for the hiking pack and the ease it provides for taking little tikes on treks like this.

Sarah snapped this close-up of these gorgeous wildflowers. They were popping up everywhere!

Here's my favorite picture of the day. More to come on this little man. Can you believe that as of yesterday I have a FOUR YEAR OLD? He's one of my favorite people and a really great buddy to his sister. How can you not love someone this adorable?