Monday, December 8, 2008

A little gem

I was just filling out our family's birthdates for an online form. The trend goes like this:
Adam - August
Marie - April
Spencer - April
Emma - April

It reminded me of a comment Spencer made last week. "Mommy, when Daddy dies and he lives again, can his birthday be in April?"

Looks like we have a little clarifying to do on the topic of resurrection. :0)


Eva McGann said...

That is so great that you are keeping track of all of these little quotes that your kids are saying! I did that with mine and it is so fun to look back and remeber all of these cute things!

lori said...

Ha! That made my day!

Melinda said...

Cute boy.

Dave Y said...

Actually, I'm with Spencer. All that needs to happen is for the morning of the 1st resurrection to happen in April, and Adam can celebrate his rebirthday there-ever after. April is a Conference month, after all, so I'd say odds are fairly high.

Marie W said...

Good point, Dave. Guess we'll bank on that. Plus, the Savior's birthday and resurrection dates both fall on April 6th. That seems like a good date for a "rebirth", doesn't it?

Emily said...

I love the things that little kids say--so sweet! "The other" Spencer is definitley a sweet boy, we sure like him!

merilee said...

I think you should start aiming for birthdays in January, June and July so Spencer play with those months.


Marie W said...

That would complete the family calendar nicely, wouldn't it? :0)