Monday, July 6, 2009

Spencer's Testimony

Spencer taught the lesson tonight for Family Home Evening. We played the game that is found in the centerfold of The Friend magazine, read scriptures about prayer, and Spencer closed the lesson with his testimony. This is the basic gist of what he said; I only wish I could capture the manner in which he spoke. It was with such fervor, and he went around to individuals to look them in the eye as he spoke. We decided he would make a good pastor...or missionary. Of course, it left his mother teary-eyed. This is one special kid.

"I want to tell you my testimony. I know the church that we go to is the true church. And God is there, even though you can't see him. Prayers are when you talk with Him but you can't see Him. And He is hearing your prayers. And when we go to church and have the bread and water, it's not like a 'sangwich' because it's there to help us remember Jesus. And it's the sacrament."


Lizzy, Andy, J said...

Oh Marie, I wish I could bottle up your love and your amazing patience and open it whenever I feel like I'm going to have a nervous break down! You are an amazing mom and a great friend/cousin. You are raising some very choice spirits and they are growing up in the path of righteousness very fast. Andy said Sunday that when he's 19, he will be able to stand up and give his testimony. I reminded him he lives it every day and sometimes that's enough for now. This is a sweet memory. Love you.

Ellie said...

That's so sweet! What a great kid!

Melinda said...

Aww... I love you guys! What a special kiddo. (To borrow your word) :)

lori said...

Oh, be still my heart. That is one special little boy - who is obviously being taught by some pretty special parents!

Eva McGann said...

You will be so happy someday that you wrote his testimony down. I wish I would have done that when my kids bore theirs when they were little.

Katie and Eric said...

Spencer is so sweet. I love moments like that.

LINSY said...

Marie - he is such a little doll! Such a sweet boy, and he often has a look like he is really considering life and is thinking through the meaning. He is a smart one and a sweet one. Of course!! - look at his parents!!! We want to visit with you guys soon. We will be in Virginia in August for Darin's bro's wedding reception. When I get the date, I will let you know the details because we want to visit you for sure!!! Come to Hershey soon! the chocolate/amusement parks/gardens/zoo/etc. is calling! love ya!

Emily said...

That's adorable! Spencer is one cute kid (and quite spiritual as well). No surprise with his great parents!