Monday, July 13, 2009

Blogworthy Spencerism

Spencer just came to me and said, "Mommy - you have to come see this funny thing that I do. I 'under arrest' Daddy and tell him he's in trouble. Then he has to see the judge and I tell him that he's 'handcupped' because he ate too much candy."

We're really into jokes these days, and this scenario sure tickles Spencer's funny bone. I went in to watch him act it out because I found myself amused by his phrasing and was even MORE entertained when he exited the room (after performing the "under arrest") and reentered as "the chief judge" to pronounce sentence.

Any guesses where we are in our family scripture reading right now?


merilee said...

Too cute. Secret Agent Spencer strikes again. I'll make sure Joel is ready for adventure when he comes over.


Celeste Elaine said...

I "under arrest."

Best phraseology of life.

Brock and Kate said...

hilarious! i miss that boy!! he is too smart :)

Josh said...

Man...I can't wait until Levi is doing funny stuff like that!