Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Which Austen Girl Are You?

I found this online quiz through a friend's blog. (Thanks, Chelsea!) As much as I might wish I were the glamorous Emma Woodhouse or the sharp-witted Elizabeth Bennet, I am, quite predictably, Elinor Dashwood. It comes from being the eldest sister in a large family, I think.

I am Elinor Dashwood!

Take the Quiz here!


Just Katy said...

Did you get a chance to watch Master Piece theater's production of Sense and Sensibility that came out this year? It was wonderfully done. I liked it a lot more than the Emma Thompson movie. It was more faithful to the book and the Elinor was spot on.

Disco Mom said...

Awesome, Marie. Love it. I am Marianne and stole this from Dave who stole it from you and put in on our blogs. Cool.

Cortney said...

I'm Elizabeth Bennett! I was flattered when it told me how intelligent I was, but I think it went downhill from there :). Thanks for the fun little quiz Marie!

Lizzy, Andy, J said...

I am TOO!! I think you're right -- it must have something to do with being an oldest daughter. This was a blast! Thanks for the fun!

Geary said...

Hey! I am too. I knew we had something in common! I took the test completely honestly (even though I have read none of the books and know almost nothing about the characters). When are you coming to visit again?

Marie W said...

Well, Geary, that explains why we get along so well. :0) We'll be coming out soon! We need more cabin and campfire time in our lives!

So pleased everyone else liked this fun quiz. Cort! Lizzy! Hello!

Katy - gotta see that version. I'm looking it up online right now.