The ward Christmas party was next on the list of holiday events. The YW organization was in charge of decorating, so on a Friday morning my counselors and I gathered with our wee ones to transform the gym into something festive. Adam and his basketball friends had set up some tables for us the night before, and Brother Baldwin, one of my heroes, had come in early the next morning to set up all the chairs. The decorations were a success, as was the party! At last year's ward Christmas party, we were babysitting a friend's 5 children while they were out of town. My kids had the stomach flu, so Adam and I had divided in hopes of conquering. I took John and the 5 kids at our friend's house; Adam had Spencer, Emma, and the ramifications of their having the stomach flu at our house. Despite our best efforts at quarantining, germs were swapped and in the middle of the night after the Christmas party, red jello was making its reappearance. Two of our friends' kids had caught the stomach flu. I called for back-up, and Adam came immediately to my rescue with our two recently recovered kiddos in tow. Love that man!
This year's party was delightfully uneventful. Spencer and Emma loved talking to Santa. John didn't think it was such a good idea. Hence the binkie.
We did some Christmas baking together.
The Christmas cactus bloomed right on time to make the corner by the kitchen table quite festive.
I got to attend Spencer's class party. (Love that kid!)

Then, John and I were both able to attend Emma's class party. She made tons of darling crafts and got to spend a little more time with the big man. I was really proud of how patiently she waited her turn. One cute little note: when Emma saw Santa the first time, he remarked that her socks (red) were his favorite color. You can see she took that to heart. For her next Christmas party, she was all in red, right down to her shoes.

One of Emma's "teachers" (high schoolers) is her special pal. This teacher, Katie, got Emma a bunch of Hello Kitty gifts for Christmas. Emma was one happy gal that day.
I hosted the annual Christmas recital and was astounded with how full the room was this year! My cute violin students played so well. Spencer played the piano during the recital; I tried to upload a video, but that always seems to frustrate blogger. He was all business in his Norwegian sweater (his wardrobe choice when I asked him to put on something "nice," which just made me happy).
In the latter part of December, Adam and I decided we needed to spend some special time with each of our sweet kiddos.
We took Emma to see a local production of "The Nutcracker" ballet. A friend from church was playing the part of an angel in the production, and Emma got her autograph after the show. My lovie loves all things having to do with dance.
John got to come with us to Chick-fil-A. Adam was treating his Sunday school class (12 - 13 year olds) to lunch at Chick-fil-A, and John was happy to bask in the attention of the youth and consume a chocolate shake.
Adam is pretty much the best Sunday school teacher ever. I think these kids would agree.
Spencer got to come on an outing to the Udvar-Hazy Smithsonian Museum. For Christmas, we gave Gpa Bezzant some IMAX tickets and decided to go see our film on the 23rd, before the full craziness of Christmas was upon us. The film we chose ("Legends of Flight") was just okay, but the museum never fails to impress. Thanks, Melinda and Joel, for coming with us!
Adam and his PATH filters managed to snap some fantastic pictures.
One last picture...just too sweet not to include. My kids are so lucky in that when my siblings come home from college, each dedicates special time and attention to the nieces and nephews. Love and miss you all!