Just up the road from our cute town is White's Ferry, the last operating ferry still crossing the Potomac River. (There used to be 100). Just on the other side of the Potomac is the C&O Canal (or what remains of it), so the ferry offered a major boost to the VA economy as it enabled farmers and merchants to sell their wares in DC before the good spoilt.
We had a visit from John and Michelle this weekend, and we took an afternoon excursion across White's Ferry. John and Michelle are great company, and we LOVE hanging out with them. We're just sad that they are headed back West soon with a job transfer!
John brought his fishing poles, so we got this shot of him in his natural habitat. The fish weren't biting in the shallow water, but now that Adam has his VA fishing license purchased and ready I see some good, quality fishing in our future under John's tutelage. We'll be posting fishy stories in the future.

Michelle and I were watching this awesome butterfly. Worth a picture because of its unusual wing tips at the bottom. I was amazed it let me get this close to take the photo; no zoom necessary!

Michelle took this photo of Emma and me sitting on the "comfy rock." We sat back and relaxed while the menfolk were fishing.
All in all, a great trip and definitely worth a return trip. (Next time, we'll remember some cash so we can rent canoes. In MD, cash is still king. They haven't quite caught onto the "credit or debit" scene.)