My cute cousin Kristan Ruby Lusvardi passed away early yesterday morning after a car accident. I've spent the time since finding out drifting in and out of different stages of grief. I've spent a fair amount of time crying and mourning, gathering with family to share remembrances, thinking about how this girl could light up a room with her smile, recalling her kindness and devotion to my sweet Grandpa, praying for those of us who are left behind, reflecting of those in my family who must have greeted her on the other side, and looking forward to when I will get to see her again. I find myself feeling especially grateful for the Atonement, the peace found in turning to the Savior, and the opportunity I had this last week to study up on this topic in preparation for a lesson I taught on Sunday. The teacher always learns the most, and this lesson was very timely.
Kristan - we miss you. Did I tell you today that I love you? Because I do...and I wish you were here.