That said, we went TOTALLY red yesterday (everyone in the family in red coats) to attend the Palin rally. It was within walking distance from our house, and we were politically motivated enough to brave a little wind to see Sarah herself. It was great fun! Spencer and his buddy "the other Spencer" from our ward hung out in the double stroller, pausing from their play to shout "U-S-A" and wave their red pom-poms. Emma loved the music and was rocking out. I thought it was pretty funny to hear Dolly Parton's "9 to 5" as Palin's theme song when she came onstage. Adam found lots of people with which to engage in politically charged conversation. We all had a good time.
A few photos from our going RED.
Emma and me
Spencer and "the other Spencer" (their title for each other)
Adam and Spencer
Sarah Palin and "Tito the Builder" - VA's version of Joe the Plumber